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Where is your business wasting money, time and human resources?

By now, you’re probably aware that you are wasting your scarce resources in any way by not embracing the possibilities of AI. Most SMEs in the Netherlands are, by manually dealing with processes that COULD and SHOULD be automated. Having repetitive tasks carried out by human employees is time-consuming, prone to mistakes, and likely takes the fun out of work. However, with so many suppliers, tools and courses out there, it can be quite overwhelming to know where to start.

We are here to help you clear up some of the clouds. Keep reading for a brief outline of the 9 processes that have the highest potential to be automated and decide for yourself which apply to you. Will you be ahead of the competition and optimize your workflow with AI?


AI Content Creation

AI offers useful possibilities to speed up the content creation process, but a ‘final human touch’ is still needed. No one likes blogs, images or social posts that scream 'this was made by ChatGPT'. Not you, and certainly not your customers.

We combine our own creative skills with our knowledge of AI to tell your story to the world. Our team consists of a combination of textual, visual and strategic talents, where we use AI as a supplement to produce more content in less time. Our own insight helps to ensure that the content still looks attractive and human from a customer perspective.

Automate routine tasks with AI

In practice, it is often 20% of the processes that cause 80% of unnecessary time, costs and frustration. But to tackle the right processes, you of course need to know which processes these are. We automate only those 20% of the most frustrating, time-consuming processes - so that the people in your team have more time to focus on other things.

AI consulting

When you, as a director or manager at a medium-sized company, tell your employees that you will be working with AI from now on, you may not receive enthusiastic reactions. People react with shock, irritation, or suspicion. In addition to the fear of the unknown, there is also the understandable fear among your employees that they will no longer have a job.

This is not how we envision the collaboration between humans and AI. When we advise your company on the implementation of AI, we include all departments of the company.
Custom Solution

Automate only the right processes for your business.

With the recent AI hype, SME’s all over the world suddenly feel the urge to ‘do something with AI’ as they don’t want to miss this train. But we don’t want to implement AI for the sake of implementing AI. We want to make sure our solutions actually help you, by focusing on the right processes – the ones that take up too many of your resources and take the fun out of your job.

We understand that every company is different and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. Therefore, we are happy to schedule a free consult with you to get a better understanding of your business. The aim of this consult is simple: to find out IF and HOW we can automate your workflows. Either with existing AI tools or with our in-house, custom-built AI bot.
Work smarter, improve efficiency.

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